Activity-a-Day Summer Calendar & Weekly Plans
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Tools to Grow is pleased to offer a FREE Activity-a-Day Summer Calendar with over 100 activities designed to maintain academic knowledge, battle summer boredom, and make family memories!
By providing their child the opportunity to engage in these activities, parents will be offering their little one’s the chance to:
- Minimize or eliminate learning loss- The regression that may occur during prolonged breaks from school.
- Maintain motor skills- Children with special needs may regress when not participating in therapy and physical education classes.
- Stay fit and coordinated- Build muscles, endurance, and fight childhood obesity.
- Create new life experiences- Children with more background knowledge have better reading comprehension.
- Benefit from multi-sensory learning experiences- These capture your child’s interest while using touch, movement, sound, and sight to promote learning.
Activity-a-Day Summer Calendar
Summer Activity-a-Day Calendar is a FREE Printable for the summer months of July and August 2015.
Each day features one Fine Motor Activity and one Gross Motor Activity to complete throughout the summer months. These activities encourage a variety of skills and are often low-budget or free activities, crafts, games, handwriting tasks, or kid friendly tactile recipes.
Calendars are conveniently organized into two grade/age categories; these activities can be modified and graded based on the child’s skill level.
1) Preschool - Grade 2
2) Grade 3 - Grade 5
What are the Activities?
Each day on the calendar is organized with one Gross Motor and one Fine Motor Activity.
Gross Motor Skills involve the use of large muscles groups for the performance of functions such as walking, running, jumping, riding a bike and playing sports.
Here are a few of the Summer Gross Motor Activities included in the Calendar:
- Summer Animal Walks
- Swim
- Hopscotch
- Simon Says
- Jumping Jacks
- Hike
- Treasure Hunt
- Obstacle Course
- Ride a Bike, and much more included!
Fine Motor Skills involve the use of precise and coordinated movements of the fingers to perform hand use tasks. Fine motor skills are necessary for completing daily tasks such as dressing (using buttons/zippers), feeding (using mealtime utensils), being a student (using a pencil, keyboard, or scissors), and leisure/play activities (drawing, playing many musical instruments).
Here are a few of the Summer Fine Motor Activities included in the Calendar:
- Tactile Tray
- Card Games
- Fold Laundry
- Use Scissors
- Hole Punch Crafts
- Sidewalk Chalk
- Lace and Unlace Shoes
- Trace a Maze
- Sort Coins
- Letter Search
- Print Alphabet, Name, Stories
Instructions to a FUN-Filled Summer!
1. Print out FREE Summer Activity-a-Day 2015 Calendar.
2. Complete activities throughout the months of July and August as indicated on the calendars. Each day includes one Gross Motor Activity (Top Activity) and one Fine Motor (Bottom Activity).
3) Print accompanying Weekly Plans with detailed instructions and Printable Activities for each week!
Summer Weekly Plans & Activities
Are you looking for detailed weekly plans, instructions, and printable resources that accompany the monthly Activity-a-Day Calendar? We have exactly what you are looking for! We have done the planning and organizing for you!
Related Topics: Fine Motor Skills, Free Resources , Gross Motor, Summer