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Managing a household requires skills to maintain the home and good habits to properly care for the people that live there. This includes things such as safety awareness, first aid, cleaning, organizing, meal planning/preparation, and many other household chores.
Purpose of Activity: This activity is designed to help teens identify and problem solve various home and personal safety situations that may be encountered during their daily life.
Purpose of Activity: This activity is designed to help teens problem solve various situations that may be encountered during their daily life in regard to personal and home safety.
Includes detailed instructions, suggested list of materials, and labels for your DIY KIT!
Unscramble the letters to form a word. Next, use only the circled letters to answer the question about kitchen safety.
Type directly into PDF.
Fill in the blanks using the word bank.
Print and cut out each arrangement card. Select a table setting arrangement card. Provide student with required materials for that given card. Student will arrange materials to copy the given table setting.
Student will use the word bank to label each item.
Print out table setting template (2 versions included) and materials on card stock. Student will cut out each material. This includes fork, knife, spoon, napkin, cup, and plate. Arrange the materials in the correct place on the template. Glue materials on top of the template.
2 versions included! Color, Cut, and glue the pictures in the correct order.
2 versions included! Color, Cut, and glue the pictures in the correct order.
Color, Cut, and glue the pictures in the correct order.
This 10 PAGE PDF includes detailed instructions, blank calendar, sample calendar, days of week, months of year, special events picture cards, blank days of week cards, and blank months of year cards. The perfect Calendar Skills resource!!!
Use the space below to draw a picture of the place that you live. Try to do your best to include as many details as possible. This may include windows, door color, shrubs, flowers, chimney, etc. Next, fill in the blanks below to write your name and full address. This 5 PAGE PDF includes Zip Code and Postal Code Versions and 2 Lined-Paper Options.
This 4 Page PDF includes 3 Versions of Activities for a Child to Learn their Phone Number. Child will identify numbers on a phone and can color the numbers and write their phone number.
Make a list of all the Chores you need to do. Check each chore off as it is completed. This High Quality PDF includes Color and Black/White printer friendly versions. A great IADL Self-Help Activity!