Hand Therapy Putty Exercises
Therapy Putty is a great tool that Pediatric Therapists can use to help their clients attain optimal flexibility and build strength in the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the hand.
Strong hands are important for children to manage their environment for success at home and school. Strong hands with full range of motion and mobility provide a child with the power, endurance, and variety of movements needed for performing functional fine motor tasks. These include using fasteners to manage clothing, using utensils to eat, manipulating a pencil/pen, using a keyboard, and utilizing craft and classroom tools (ex: scissors, ruler, hole-punch, and eraser).
To help your clients achieve improved flexibility and hand strength, Tools to Grow, Inc. is excited to present Therapy Putty Strengthening Exercise Resources!
Therapy Putty Strengthening Exercise Resources
The advantage of using therapy putty is that it is very malleable for rolling, squeezing, pinching and poking. Because it is so pliable, the client can achieve their full range of motion while manipulating the putty. These exercises will build strength in the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the hand as the child moves against the resistance of the putty.
Therapy putty is available in a range of strengths or resistances to meet your client’s needs. The therapist will need to supply hand putty for the resistance. The different strengths are color coded as follows:
- Yellow: Extra Soft
- Red: Soft
- Green: Medium
- Blue: Firm
General Information to share with your clients when recommending therapy putty exercises:
- Wash hands before and after using therapy putty to keep it clean.
- Ideally each child should use the same piece of therapy putty.
- Place the therapy putty on a clean surface for use.
- Replace putty into air tight container after use.
We are pleased to present three different versions of “Therapy Putty Exercise" Resources: (1) Exercise Cards, (2) Exercise Posters, and (3) Activity Cards.
(1) Hand Exercise Therapy Putty Cards
- The Hand Exercise Cards provide clear images that depict what action the client is expected to perform.
- The image clearly shows the putty and hand position or series of positions. A simple written explanation details how to move the hand and manipulate the putty to get optimal results.
- Included in both Color Version and Black/White Ink Friendly Version!
Hand Exercise Therapy Cards Includes:
- 17 Hand Exercise Therapy Cards (2 Per Page)
- Therapist Instructions
- Therapist Information Sheets
- Parent/Caregiver Information Sheet
(2) Hand Exercise Therapy Putty Posters
- The Hand Exercise Posters provide full page high quality images that depict what action the client is expected to perform.
- The image clearly shows the putty and hand position or series of positions. A simple written explanation details how to move the hand and manipulate the putty to get optimal results.
- Included in both Color Version and Black/White Ink Friendly Version!
Hand Exercise Therapy Posters Includes:
- 17 Hand Exercise Therapy Full Sized Posters
- Therapist Instructions
- Therapist Information Sheets
- Binder Cover and Spines to Organize Posters
(3) Hand Exercise Therapy Putty Activity Cards & Therapy Putty Station
- The Hand Exercise Activity Cards provide clear images that depict the activity the client is expected to perform.
- Included in both Color Version and Black/White Ink Friendly Version!
Hand Exercise Activity Cards Includes:
- 12 Hand Exercise Activity Cards (2 Per Page)
- Therapist Information Sheets
- Therapy Putty Station Label
Suggested Use: Create a “Therapy Putty” Station
- Cut out each card
- Laminate and place cards on ring
- Place putty and materials in a plastic box (plastic knife, cookie cutter, marbles, golf tees, coins, scissors, small beads, perfection game pieces).
- Print and place label on side of box.
- Student selects putty activity card and appropriate materials to complete activity.
Find all these Hand Therapy Putty Exercise Resources here!
Related Topics: Exercises/Strengthening, Fine Motor Skills