Monthly Themed Therapy Session Plans
Tools to Grow is incredibly happy to announce that we are now offering Monthly Themed Therapy Session Plans. These plans are posted by calendar month and have a different theme for each full calendar week. Each theme will be student friendly and are designed to address current concerns in the pediatric therapy community.
If that is not enough, there are separate calendars and session plans that are appropriate for use by Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy! In other words, each of these disciplines has their own monthly calendar with corresponding themes each week. This will make carry over of the theme into various areas of the child’s performance much easier to implement!
Given the limits on the traditional in-person therapy model due to COVID-19, we know that therapists are struggling to prepare motivating and effective interventions that can be used for in-person and virtual therapy sessions. These calendars with the corresponding themed activities have done the work for you! Simply click onto the calendar, and the resource is there for your use! Plus, each week includes a themed digital fun resource making this calendar your answer to planning for in-person and remote therapy sessions.
Here are the benefits of providing themed based sessions:
- When students receive intervention using a theme, they are learning in context. This helps students understand what they are learning by attaching these ideas and skills to those contexts.
- Learning about wider themes with related concepts and facts more closely resembles how life is experienced outside of school.
- Lots of repetition using similar images, vocabulary, and learning concepts promotes the retention and generalization of knowledge. This helps students remember what they have learned.
- Collaboration among different disciplines is easier to facilitate.
- Students will use the themed information in many formats such as while speaking, listening, manipulating, moving, and solving cognitive problems. This supports the child’s ability to integrate the information. This is extremely helpful for students that learn best using a multi-sensory approach.
- Carry over for parents and other caregivers can be more readily achieved.
NEW! Sort by Discipline
From the home page:
- Click --> "Monthly Themed Therapy Session Plans"
- Sort by category --> September --> Click "SUBMIT"
- Sort by Subcategory
--> Physical Therapy
--> Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy Session Plans
Each week includes a Level 1 (less challenging) and Level 2 (more challenging) resource in four different performance areas related to Occupational Therapy intervention. In addition, each week has a digital fun activity that corresponds to the weekly theme.
Below is a list of the calendar performance areas and examples of interventions that may be addressed over the month:
- Handwriting- early stroke formation, letter formation, word and sentence practice, word searches, connect the dots, cryptograms
- Fine Motor- grasp, hand strength, dexterity, motor accuracy, pencil control, tool use
- Visual Motor Skills- tracing, shape reproduction, scissor use, visual perception (discrimination, figure ground, form constancy, position in space), foundations for reading
- Sensory Motor- touch, smell, taste, tactile manipulation, body awareness, singing
- Digital Fun- These digital activities are the perfect tools to use for distance learning! These ready-to-use interactive activities were designed to be used in a variety of platforms. This includes Google Slides, Abode PDF, and BOOM Learning.
Download the FREE Occupational Therapy Calendar here!
From the Home Page:
- Click --> Monthly Themed Therapy Session Plans
- Sort by category --> September --> Click "Submit"
- Sort by Subcategory --> Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy Session Plans
Each week includes a Level 1 (less challenging) and Level 2 (more challenging) resource in three different performance areas related to Physical Therapy intervention. In addition, each week has a digital fun activity that corresponds to the weekly theme.
Below is a list of the calendar performance areas and examples of interventions that may be addressed over the month:
- Balance- yoga poses, jumping, skipping, walking on a line, one-half kneel, kneeling, single limb postures, creeping, movement transitions, flexibility
- Strength- Child friendly exercises for hip and shoulder stability, sustained movement against gravity
- Motor Planning/Coordination-ball handling, sequencing, executing unfamiliar movements, imitation of postures
- Digital Fun- These digital activities are the perfect tools to use for distance learning! These ready-to-use interactive activities were designed to be used in a variety of platforms. This includes Google Slides, Abode PDF, and BOOM Learning.
Download the FREE Physical Therapy Calendar here!
From the Home Page:
- Click --> Monthly Themed Therapy Session Plans
- Sort by category --> September --> Click "Submit"
- Sort by Subcategory --> Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy Session Plans
Each week includes a Level 1 (less challenging) and Level 2 (more challenging) resource in four different performance areas related to Speech Therapy intervention. In addition, each week has a digital fun activity that corresponds to the weekly theme.
Below is a list of the calendar performance areas and examples of interventions that may be addressed over the month:
- Vocabulary & Articulation- written and visual aids for theme related words, variety of articulation activities to target challenging sounds, oral motor activities, finish the sentence, prepositions
- Following Directions- listen and act, auditory memory, language comprehension, executing a sequencing
- Sequence & Categorization- learning concepts for first-next-last, relationship of objects, sorting, similarities & differences
- Wh Questions- open ended questions that include what, where, how, and who
- Digital Fun- These digital activities are the perfect tools to use for distance learning! These ready-to-use interactive activities were designed to be used in a variety of platforms. This includes Google Slides, Abode PDF, and BOOM Learning.
Download the FREE Speech Therapy Calendar here!
From the Home Page:
- Click --> Monthly Themed Therapy Session Plans
- Sort by category --> September --> Click "Submit"
- Sort by Subcategory --> Speech Therapy
Tools To Grow has developed these resources to stay true to our mission to provide valuable tools to therapists, educators, and parents to help with the most important job there is … helping children grow!
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