TIPS FOR GROWING: Edition 1 - Response to Occupational Therapy Interventions & Consulting In a School Based Setting
Welcome to our initial edition of Tips For Growing! These blogs will focus on important clinical topics that are regularly encountered when working with children.
We hope these seeds of information will help with the most important job there is…helping children grow.
Topic: Response to Occupational Therapy Interventions & Consulting In a School Based Setting
Since the 1975 passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students with disabilities in the United States must have access to Occupational Therapy if needed to benefit from special education. In 2004, the reauthorization of IDEA extended the availability of occupational therapy services to all students, not just those with disabilities, to fully participate in school. IDEA contains a provision that allows school districts to use a portion of their federal funds to provide early intervening services (EIS) to students in kindergarten through 12th grade who are at risk for school failure due to learning or behavioral concerns.
Although response to intervention practices and activities vary from state to state, all share the features of being a multi-tiered approach that systematically looks at a child’s response to the education (intervention) that they are receiving. As a school based Occupational Therapist you will be responsible for duties that facilitate the success of students who are at risk for academic failure due to learning or behavioral difficulties. These interventions may be provided in three different tiers.
Tier 1—This is considered the preventive or proactive tier to help the entire student population or grade level. For example, the OT may conduct a professional development workshop for teachers on sensory processing, conduct handwriting screenings for kindergarten students, or recommend age-appropriate tools and materials (scissors, lined paper, scissors) for each grade level.
Tier 2—This tier is for small groups of students with similar needs. For example, the OT may have a classroom shoe tying group, handwriting club, or provide charts to help students organize lockers and desks.
Tier 3— These are individually based interventions based upon the outcomes of the student’s individualized assessments and/or evaluations.
This edition of Tips For Growing will focus on the many highly effective and low prep Tier 1 and Tier 2 Occupational Therapy resources Tools To Grow offers to support school personnel and students in the response to intervention process.
We have done the work for you!
Tier 1: (1) Teacher In-Service Training
** Click the titles below for the tools!
1. Sensory Star at School- Self Regulation
2. Sensory Challenge Educational Series at School
3. Red Flags of Sensory Processing Disorder
4. Sensory Integration – Basic Guide
5. Foundation Skills For Learning
6. What to Know & How to Develop Visual Perceptual Skills
Tier 1: (2) Screenings & Consulting with Teachers
1. Occupational Therapy Screening Form- for therapists’ use to gather information
2. Response to Intervention for Performance Challenge Checklists- for consulting with teachers; teachers record student’s response
3. Response to Intervention Classroom Intervention Suggestions- for consulting with teachers; teachers implement these suggestions
4. NEW! Google Forms! RTI - OT Checklists for Implementing Strategies and Tracking Response = 2 versions!
** Click here for the RTI tools!!!
(3) Tier 1: Grade Wide Interventions
** Click the titles below for the tools!!!
1. Sensory Path Resource
2. Proper Pencil Grasp Posters
3. Proper Scissor Grasp Posters
4. Handwriting Warm-up’s
5. Pencil Control Activities
6. Alphabet and Number Formation Charts
7. Handwriting Rules
8. Letter Reversal Poster & Activities
9. Correct Sitting Posture Poster
10. Adapted Handwriting Paper
11. Letter Formation Desk Strips
12. Handwriting Heroes
Tier 2: (1) Classroom Group Interventions
** Click the titles below for the tools!!!
1. Shoe Tying Group
2. Handwriting Group
3. Hand Strengthening
4. Sensory Motor Skills Groups
5. Yoga Resources
6. Strength Training Group
7. Sensory Motor Games
8. Life Skills/ADL
9. Executive Functioning Groups
Tier 2: (2) Student Organizational & Self-Help Skills
1. Locker Organization Checklist
2. Desk Organization Checklist
3. Binder Organization Checklist
Click here for organization tools!
Related Topics: RTI - Response to Intervention, Tips for Growing