TIPS FOR GROWING: Edition 2 - Emotional Intelligence
Welcome to the second edition of Tips For Growing! These blogs will focus on important clinical topics that are regularly encountered when working with children.
We hope these seeds of information will help with the most important job there is…helping children grow.
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to identify, understand, and manage one’s emotions. This includes expressing emotions in a healthy manner. People with strong emotional intelligence also understand the emotions of others. This allows for the possibility to develop empathetic and trusting relationships with others.
Parents always strive to raise a happy, healthy child. Other adults in a child’s life, such as a teacher or therapist, most assuredly want the children in their care to experience positive emotions like love, happiness, security, gratitude, and enthusiasm for the future.
Sadly, many children feel bad about themselves and their situation. They may not feel optimistic about the chance for a brighter future and may be engulfed in restrictive emotions such as fear, anger, worry, and frustration. These children may feel overwhelmed by problems and what they perceive as a lack of options. Regardless of your professional background or role with a given child, you have undoubtedly encountered children that need significant emotional support.
Obviously, a child that is withdrawn, sad or angry will not be at their best to learn or develop other skills. Children can be assisted to learn to identify their emotions and realize they have choices to deal with stress, anger, fear, and similar restrictive emotions. When given tools to help heal and cope more effectively, a child may be much more receptive to academic or other therapeutic programs. We all want the children in our lives to be joyful and optimistic about the future!
Today’s "Tips For Growing" will focus on the many highly effective and low prep resources that can help children develop their emotional intelligence, regardless of their age or needs.
We have done the work for you!
NEW RESOURCE PACKET: "Size of the Problem"
- Designed for older students
- Offers creative and effective strategies to help children learn to cope with their problems
- Resources designed to promote a calm and peaceful state
- Helps students learn to assign a severity level to problems they may encounter.
- This will help students manage their responses to problems and hopefully react in a manner consistent to the size of the problem.
Resources Included in Packet:
1. Teaching Poster
– helps children increase their emotional knowledge
– helps children to identify their problem size (Small, Medium, Big)
2. Journal Reflection
3. Mindfulness Coloring
4. “Shredding of Problems” Activity
5. Mandala Mindfulness
6. Self-Regulation Cards = Color Version
7. Self-Regulation Cards = Black/White (Ink Friendly) Version
Find this new Packet in our shop here!
*Please note that "Size of the Problem" is only sold in the Tools to Grow Shop.
- Feelings & Mindfulness Board Game
- Let's Meet the Feelings Family: Poster & Learning Cards
- How Do You Feel Today? Desk Strips & Visuals
- Stay Healthy Journal
- Let's Write! Emotion Reflection Journal
- Emotions Memory Matching Game
- Feelings Dough Mats
- Let’s Meet the Feelings Family
- How Do You Feel? Charades Game
- Gratitude & Notes of Encouragement Cards
- How Do You Feel? Printing & Drawing Activity
- Color your Feelings
** Click here for these Emotional Awareness tools!!!
** Click here for these Mindfulness tools!!!
- I Can Calm My Body at School Social Story
- I Can Calm MY Body at Daycare Social Story
- Staying Healthy Social Story
- Let’s Talk Sentence Starters
- Charades Social Interaction Game
- Can I Take Your Order?
- Let’s Ask a Friend Survey
** Click here for these Social Skills Games!!!
** Click here for these Social/Sensory Stories!!!
- Think About It- Good Choice Question Cards
- Good Choice Coloring Book
- Try Another Way Game
- Choose Kind Words: Sorting Activity
** Click here for these Positive Choice Tools here!!!
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