TIPS FOR GROWING: Edition 8 - Response to Physical Therapy Interventions & Consulting In a School Based Setting
Welcome to the eighth edition of Tips For Growing! This edition of Tips For Growing will focus on the many highly effective and low prep Tier 1 and Tier 2 Physical Therapy resources Tools To Grow offers to support school personnel and students in the response to intervention process.
We hope these seeds of information will help with the most important job there is . . . helping children grow.
Topic: Response to Physical Therapy Interventions & Consulting In a School Based Setting
Since the 1975 passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students with disabilities in the United States must have access to Physical Therapy if needed to benefit from special education. In 2004, the reauthorization of IDEA extended the availability of occupational therapy services to all students, not just those with disabilities, to fully participate in school. IDEA contains a provision that allows school districts to use a portion of their federal funds to provide early intervening services (EIS) to students in kindergarten through 12th grade who are at risk for school failure due to learning or behavioral concerns.
Although response to intervention practices and activities vary from state to state, all share the features of being a multi-tiered approach that systematically looks at a child’s response to the education (intervention) that they are receiving. As a school based Physical Therapist you will be responsible for duties that facilitate the success of students who are at risk for academic failure due to difficulties created by deficits in mobility, endurance, coordination, and/or other functional skills. Interventions designed to help a student access their educational environment or physically participate in all school settings may be provided in three different tiers.
Tier 1:
Tier 1: This is considered the preventive or proactive tier to help the entire student population or grade level. This tier targets 80-90% of the student population.
>> Examples of Tier 1 Interventions that the physical therapist can offer may include:
- Conducting a professional development workshop for teachers on expected motor development, common motor impairments, and the effects of movement on learning.
- Training staff on the benefits of physical education and recess.
- Showing teachers how to design their environment for optimal physical development while learning.
- How to include more movement into the day while reinforcing academic lessons.
Tier 1: Teacher In-Service Training
** Click the titles below for the tools!
1. Toe Walking Information Handout
2. What to Know and How to Develop Gross Motor Skills: MOTOR PLANNING
3. What to Know and How to Develop Gross Motor Skills: BALANCE, COORDINATION, & STRENGTH
4. Get out of the Chair - Positions a Child can Assume
6. Gross Motor Milestone Chart 2-8 Years
Tier 1: Grade Wide Interventions
** Click the titles below for the tools!!!
2. Correct Sitting Posture Poster
3. Let's Play Outside- Checklist of Fun!
4. What Do You Like More? Click & Move
Tier 2:
Tier 2: This tier is for students that did not respond to Tier 1 intervention strategies. This tier targets 5-10% of the student population. Tier 2 students may receive more specialized supports and services, most often in small groups.
>> Examples of Tier 2 interventions that the physical therapist can offer may include:
- Identify how a teacher may adapt or modify the classroom environment and routine to allow for better access and participation at school. This may include preferential seating, granting extra time for task completion, altering the desk/table configuration within the room, and/or suggesting changes to the child’s chair/desk to improve sitting posture.
- Screening students for possible delays and other motor difficulties.
- Leading a small Gross Motor group that may be designed to help students build strength, endurance, and balance so as to navigate their school more safely and expeditiously.
Tier 2: Classroom Group/Small Group Interventions
Click the titles below for the tools!!!
8. Create an Obstacle Course Sequence
10. Interactive Digital Games - Click & Move!
Tier 2: Screenings & Consulting with Teachers
1. Physical Therapy Screening Form- for therapists’ use to gather information
2. NEW! Consultation Checklists- for consulting with teachers; teachers record student’s response
3. NEW! Google Forms! RTI - PT Checklists for Implementing Strategies and Tracking Response = 2 versions!
>> Click here for all the RTI tools!!!
Tier 3:
Tier 3: This tier is for students that are receiving direct physical therapy interventions based upon the outcomes of their individualized assessments and/or evaluations. This tier targets 5% or less of the student population.
The PT is providing targeting supports and services to the students that have the most serious disabilities. Services are provided one on one or in very small groups.
We hope these seeds of information will help with the most important job there is . . . helping children grow!
Related Topics: RTI - Response to Intervention, Tips for Growing